Where Will Your Breast Implants Be Placed?

When a woman undergoes breast augmentation surgery, probably the last thing on her mind is that a second surgery, called breast revision surgery, may be needed in the future.
Breast implants are not intended to last a lifetime. Over time, impants can be subject to rupture, rippling, deflation, asymmetry, sagging, or capsular contracture caused by the formation of a hard and dense tissue capsule.
Breast revision surgery is also frequently performed when a woman is not happy with some aspect of how her breasts look or feel. She may want to replace her current breast implants with a different size or style or to simply have her natural breasts back.
Understanding Your Options for Breast Implants
The decision about where you would like your breast implants to be placed during your revision breast surgery will be made in consultation with your plastic surgeon, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Florence Mussat, in Chicago, IL. She would be happy to help you make this decision and to plan for the procedure itself.
Influencing Factors on Breast Implant Placement
There are several factors to keep in mind when deciding on the position of your breast implants:
- the desired shape and size of your breasts and thus the implants
- your body size
- expected recovery time and post-operative discomfort and pain
- your lifestyle
- your goals and expectations
Where Can Breast Implants Be Placed?
Breasts implants can be placed:
- over the muscle, but under the breast tissue
- under the muscle
Since there are advantages and disadvantages to each placement, Dr. Mussat will help you decide which placement method is best for you. There are several factors which will help determine the optimal implant placement:
- Your body type
- Your current health
- The actual size of the implants
- Saline vs. silicone implants
- Your individual goals and desires
All these factors help you understand the pros and cons of the different breast implant placement options.
Subglandular Placement
Also known as “over-the-muscle” placement, the subglandular placement technique positions the implant between the chest muscle and the existing breast tissue. With this positioning, the implant lies behind the glands of the breasts, thus providing the patient the ability to breast-feed in the future.
Advantages: Patients can expect less movement of the implants during physical activity and less discomfort immediately following surgery.
Disadvantages: The appearance of the breasts may seem more artificial, and during mammograms, the readings may be less accurate.
Submuscular Placement
The other breast implant placement option is known as submuscular or under-the-muscle placement. The technique includes partially placement of the implant under the pectoralis major chest muscle in a “dual plane” placement.
Advantages: Patients experience more accurate mammograms. In addition, submuscular placement tends to produce a more natural result.
Disadvantages: Some patients experience slightly more discomfort after surgery, with a longer postsurgical recovery.
Women with very large or strong chest muscles will be best suited for the over-the-muscle positioning of their implants. The reason is that, with larger chest muscles, there will be a tendency for distortion of the breasts as the chest muscles are flexed. In this case, subglandular placement may be advised.
Keeping in mind all the advantages and disadvantages of the possible placement of your implants, you are well equipped to meet with Dr. Mussat to discuss what is best for your particular situation.
Why Choose Dr. Florence Mussat for Your Breast Revision?
Dr. Florence Mussat is a Board-Certified Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon in Downtown Chicago and has a passion for Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery.
With her help, you can soon be on your way to achieving the bustline you’ve always wanted. Schedule a personal consultation or by calling (312) 751-9000 today!