How To Maintain Your Facelift Results
With the demands of social media now expanding to include video conference calls for work, there is increasing pressure on us to stay looking younger for longer.
As a result, more and more men and women of all ages are turning to cosmetic surgery for help. And, thanks to its ability to dramatically transform a patient’s appearance with long-lasting results, the most effective and exciting anti-aging procedure growing in popularity is the facelift.
With a cosmetic procedure as significant as facelift surgery, it is only natural for patients to wonder how best to maintain their results for as long as possible before needing to consider a touch-up. Fortunately, with her extensive experience, renowned board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon in downtown Chicago, Dr. Florence Mussat has the training and experience to help her patients achieve and preserve their results for years to come.
Now that you are considering getting a facelift, you’ve probably started wondering how to improve its longevity and maintain your results. While there’s no simple answer as to how long your facelift will last, taking care of your skin after your facelift will go a long way towards how long you’ll able to maintain those same stunning results.
Regardless of the specific facelift procedure recommended by Dr. Mussat, whether it be a mini or full facelift, here are several tips and anti-aging strategies that will help ensure that your facelift results last as long as possible.
Give Yourself Time To Recover
The recovery process is one of the most challenging parts of facelift surgery. You might find it difficult to disconnect and step back from your regular activities for the time recommended after surgery.
It’s never easy to take more than just a few days off work and to get help some help at home, but a good recovery sets the foundation for good results. You’ll be back doing the activities you love before you know it!
Wear Sunscreen
Sun exposure is a leading cause of signs of aging. Ultraviolet radiation causes DNA changes in the skin that can lead to premature aging, known as photoaging, and the formation of precancerous cells.
To avoid wrinkling, fine lines, and sagging skin, it’s vital that you apply sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher early and often every day and wear a wide-brimmed hat whenever you go outdoors. In addition, being sun-smart is an excellent approach after surgery and will help your skin look its best all the time.
Focus On Good Nutrition
A healthy diet, complete with bright fruits and vegetables, dark greens, complex carbs, and carefully sourced protein, can help your skin stay and look younger by keeping it well-nourished.
Eliminating the wrong foods from your diet is just as important as eating the right foods. Sugar, for instance, may accelerate skin aging because high-glycemic foods contribute to aging by increasing the breakdown of collagen fibers in a process known as glycation.
Stay Hydrated
Eating a balanced diet and staying hydrated are two essential practices for preserving healthy, firm, glowing skin. For a truly skin-friendly diet, you’ll also need to make sure you drink enough water. Well-hydrated skin stays firmer, smoother, and younger.
Avoid Smoking
Smoking slows the healing process and can be disastrous for your facelift results. Not only will it delay the healing and cause irreparable damage, but nicotine also dries your skin out, making it age more rapidly and shortens the lifespan of your facelift.
Exercise Regularly
You might not think exercise is a factor in maintaining beautiful facelift results, but you’ll be healthier and look better in general if you make exercising a habit. Physical activity not only helps you to keep off excess weight, but it’s also essential for cardiovascular health and even your mental well-being.
Adopt a Serious Skincare Regimen
Taking good care of your skin after your facelift will help you maintain a refreshed, youthful look for longer. It’s best to discuss the skin care products you use with Dr. Mussat to see if you should adjust anything in the future.
Having a healthy skincare regimen is important at any age, and even more, as we get older. Taking proper daily care of your skin can help slow down the effects of aging. Here are the steps that should be included in your regular facial skin care routine.
- Cleanse: It’s always a good practice at the end of the day to remove any makeup and get rid of dirt, grime, and environmental pollutants that could be clogging your pores and making your skin unhealthy. Use a gentle cleanser that won’t dry out or irritate your skin.
- Exfoliate: Regular gentle exfoliation helps to slough off the top layer of dead skin cells that adhere to the surface of your face, making your skin look rough or dull.
- Moisturize: Weather and other environmental factors can leave your skin looking and feeling dried out. Using a good moisturizer compatible with your skin type should always be a part of your skincare routine.
Consider Non-Surgical Boosters
Dr. Mussat will happily tell you about non-surgical medical treatments that can prolong the results of your facelift.
Fillers and other skin treatments can help maintain your facial volume and skin elasticity, keeping your results looking great for longer. Keep in mind that while a facelift turns back the clock on your appearance, aging still continues after surgery.
Get the Best Facelift Results in Chicago With Dr. Florence Mussat
For stunning facelift results that make you look youthful, vibrant, attractive, and that last for years, look no further than board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Florence Mussat in downtown Chicago.
Schedule a private consultation to discover more about your facelift surgery. Contact our office by calling (312) 751-9000 today.