Florence Mussat, M.D.
680 N Lake Shore Dr. #1030 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 751-9000


Breast Implant Removal Chicago

en bloc chicago dr. florence mussatIt takes a lot of surgical skill and training to perform breast implant removal — also called explant or revision — in a way that prioritizes patient safety and restores the original shape of the breasts. This is essential for women, who, for medical or aesthetic reasons, choose to remove their implants entirely. For women who are symptomatic for a breast implant rupture or are experiencing health problems associated with the implant, it’s incredibly essential that they be vigilant about the type of technique used for breast implant removal. Dr. Mussat utilizes the most complex and sophisticated techniques for breast implant removal to protect each patient from further complications.

Dr. Florence Mussat is well-trained and highly skilled at performing breast implant removals. For your safety and well-being, contact her Chicago office online or by calling (312) 751-9000 to schedule a consultation and learn more about her experience with the procedure and whether it might be appropriate for you.

What’s the Capsule?

A capsule is scar tissue that gradually grows and envelops implants. It happens with all implants because it’s a common response from the body when it encounters a foreign object.

Click here to read an article on a successful breast implant removal from the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open

Why Might I Consider a Breast Implant Removal in Chicago?

A breast implant removal surgery is often necessary for a patient’s health and safety-especially when something goes wrong with an implant. Complications with implants can include:

  • Rupture of a silicone implant and leakage of the silicone into the surrounding breast tissue.
  • The formation of a thickened or hardened capsule around the implant. A capsule is scar tissue that gradually grows and envelops implants. This physical response is normal – capsules form around the knee and hip implants, too. It becomes a problem with a breast implant when a capsule thickens or hardens to the point where it causes discomfort or pain, distorts the shape of the breast, or puts pressure on the implant.
  • The development of other health problems related to the implant, such as breast implant illness. 

For more information about breast implant illness, please visit Healing Breast Implant Illness and Breast Implant Illness. (Note: These links are to external websites that are not provided or maintained by or in any way affiliated with Florence Mussat M.D., S.C. Florence Mussat M.D., S.C. does not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any information on these external websites.)

What Happens During a Breast Implant Removal?

The breast implant removal procedure entails carefully removing the capsule and the implant together as a single, untouched unit. The surgery aims to remove ruptured silicone implants without further contaminating the body with silicone gel.

Click here to read an article on silicone migration from intact saline breast implants from the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open

Removing the capsule entirely ensures that the body doesn’t reabsorb a contaminated capsule, and the careful removal of the implant ensures that no other material is left behind. As a precautionary measure after the removal, Dr. Mussat might install a drain to further discourage the formation of another capsule and to help the breast regain its original shape.

During your surgery, Dr. Mussat will repair muscle and tissue to restore the original contours of the breast. After she removes the capsule and the implant, your breast tissue and muscles should gradually settle back to their original position on the chest wall, leaving you with breasts that look and feel natural.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Implant Removal

What is breast explant surgery?

Explant surgery is a cosmetic breast surgery  in which breast implants are removed. More than ever and for various reasons, women around the world are choosing to remove their implants. Some aren’t satisfied with the appearance of their implants, while others have been experiencing complications that necessitate the procedure. The most common reasons women remove implants include:

  • Dissatisfaction with the look or feel
  • Leaks or ruptures
  • Capsular contracture prevention or mitigation
  • Size adjustments with breast revision surgery

How much does a breast implant removal cost in Chicago, and will my insurance cover it?

Dr. Mussat will explain the cost of the procedure as part of her consultation and will help you understand whether insurance may cover all or part of the cost. For more information, read our FAQs on insurance coverage for a breast implant removal.

Will I need downtime for recovery?

As with your original implant surgery, you will need downtime for rest and healing after a breast implant removal. You should plan to rest for several days after the procedure and avoid strenuous activity for at least two weeks.

How will I look after breast implant removal surgery?

Many women ask whether they will look good after their breast implant removal: a challenging question to answer. The appearance of the breasts depends on their size relative to the implants, the degree to which the breast tissue has been displaced over time, and the amount of remaining skin elasticity. Whether things look good depends on these physical factors and how a woman perceives her “new” breasts relative to how she feels about her body and whether her breasts play the same role they did when the implants were originally placed.

Why do people get breast implant removal surgery?

You may wish to have your implants surgically removed for various reasons, including breast implant illness and related complications, aesthetic concerns, or personal preferences.

What happens during breast implant removal?

The procedure typically involves making incisions along the same lines as your original surgery, followed by careful removal of the implants and surrounding scar tissue. The technique may vary depending on the original implant placement and individual circumstances.

Is breast implant removal painful?

Dr. Mussat uses anesthesia to ensure a pain-free experience. Post-surgery, you may experience some soreness, but pain medication can manage any discomfort.

Will breast implant removal affect my appearance?

Yes, breast implant removal can change your appearance. After this surgery, your breasts may look deflated or saggy, especially if the implants were large or in place for an extended period. You can consider additional procedures, such as a breast lift, to improve your aesthetics if desired.

Are there any complications associated with breast implant removal?

Any surgical procedure carries potential risks. With breast implant removal, these may include infection, bleeding, changes in breast sensation, scarring, and unsatisfactory aesthetic results. Dr. Mussat will review these with you to help you decide whether to proceed with the surgery.

Can I combine breast implant removal with other procedures?

Yes, many women opt to combine breast implant removal with other procedures such as a breast lift, breast reduction, or fat grafting to enhance breast shape and volume during the same surgery.

What is breast implant illness, and will removing implants relieve its symptoms?

Breast implant illness refers to a range of concerns reported by some women with breast implants, including fatigue, joint pain, and cognitive issues. While there is ongoing debate about BII, removing your implants may help alleviate these symptoms. However, results can vary, and it’s essential to discuss individual concerns with a health care provider. While neither implant types have been directly correlated to increased risk of cancer, recent years have also seen the rise of secondary health issues related to breast implants. For patients experiencing breast implant illness, symptoms like headaches, chronic fatigue, fever, and joint pain can be especially debilitating and provide enough reason for women to seek explant. Furthermore, the FDA has identified over 450 cases of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma – a rare form of cancer that can develop in the scar tissue around the implant. In the face of these very real medical concerns, many patients have chosen to implant removal as a means of protecting their overall health.

Am I a candidate for breast implant removal in Chicago, Illinois?

In general, candidates for a breast implant removal procedure are those who are unsatisfied with the results of their initial breast augmentation or are experiencing rare conditions associated with their implants. Dr. Mussat suggests that breast implant removal candidates in Chicago be:

  • Non-smokers
  • In good overall health
  • At a stable weight
  • Understand the details of the procedure
  • Have a positive outlook and realistic expectations regarding their results
  • Be prepared to closely follow all pre- and post-operative care instructions

How is breast implant illness treated?

The most successful treatment in Chicago currently, is breast implant removal (explant surgery). Given the increasing number of cases and recent FDA announcement regarding breast implant related cancers such as lymphomas (ALCL) and a new squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), Dr. Mussat approaches each breast implant removal case very carefully. During explant surgery Dr. Mussat removes the entire capsule (Total Capsulectomy) in one piece without rips or tears. Depending on the initial incision and breast implant size implants can be removed through a previous areola incision under the fold or through a breast lift incision.

When should I see my Chicago Plastic Surgeon about Breast Implant Illness (BII)?

If you have breast implants and have noticed an increase in unexplained symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, breast pain or burning, enlarged axillary lymph nodes, brain fog or other symptoms that doctors have not been able to get to the root cause of; it may be time to schedule a visit with an explant surgeon.

How do I care for myself or a loved one with Breast Implant Illness?

Breast Implant Illness can be difficult to manage for many Chicago area women and their families as they struggle with extreme fatigue and other symptoms, some of which may even be debilitating. Many women have visited countless doctors and specialists and still do not have definite answers or an improvement of symptoms. Following a low inflammatory diet and limiting exposure to other environmental toxins is a great place to start in reducing other sources of inflammation within your body.

How do I know if my breast implant is leaking or ruptured?

Most Chicago area women won’t know their breast implant is leaking. If you have saline implants, the saline is absorbed in your body and inherently won’t cause issues. You may notice your breasts look a little deflated. If you have silicone implants, it will be harder to tell if a rupture has occurred, but if you notice hardness in your breast area, you will want to see your doctor in order to determine the best course of action.

How long is the recovery period after breast implant removal?

Recovery times can vary, but most patients can resume light activities within a week and return to more strenuous activities after several weeks. Following Dr. Mussat’s post-operative instructions is crucial to facilitate smooth, swift healing.

How do I choose a surgeon to perform my breast implant removal?

Selecting a qualified and experienced surgeon is the first step in a successful outcome. Research potential surgeons, review their credentials, read patient reviews, and schedule consultations to discuss your goals and concerns before making a decision. Ensure the surgeon is board-certified and has expertise in breast implant removal procedures.

Read our FAQs on insurance coverage for breast implant removal in Chicago.

To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Mussat and learn more about breast implant removal, contact her Chicago office online or by calling (312) 751-9000 today.