Florence Mussat, M.D.
680 N Lake Shore Dr. #1030 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 751-9000


Month: December 2022

Can Exercise Reduce Large Male Breasts?

Many men are affected by the appearance of overdeveloped breasts during the course of their lives, and it can cause significant self-consciousness and emotional distress. As a result, many men spend a significant amount of money and time at the gym with personal trainers trying to flatten their chests and redefine their pectoral muscles. However, while exercise and weight loss can have an effect on fatty tissue, they, unfortunately, can’t do much for glandular tissue. Therefore, to achieve a well-defined, masculine chest, male breast reduction is often the only way to effectively eliminate male breast tissue.


Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Florence Mussat recognizes that gynecomastia can cause embarrassing problems for men, preventing them from living their life to the fullest. Fortunately, Dr. Mussat has successfully treated many of her male patients suffering from gynecomastia with a male breast reduction surgery. In this blog, we will discuss what causes male breasts to develop, why exercise isn’t always successful in reducing enlarged male breasts, and how gynecomastia surgery can help you achieve your ideal results.

The Different Types of Gynecomastia

Enlarged male breasts are a common problem for men with excess fat through their chest area. This type of gynecomastia is called pseudo-gynecomastia, which is caused by major weight fluctuations, age, or genetic traits. To improve the appearance of excess fat in the chest area, Dr. Mussat performs liposuction of the chest to achieve a stronger, more masculine appearance.


Men can also suffer from enlarged glandular breast tissue that occurs during adolescence due to a hormone imbalance between estrogen and testosterone. Usually, this issue resolves itself as a man grows older, but due to a continued hormone imbalance or chronic use of some medications and drugs, gynecomastia can follow them into adulthood.

Why Exercise Cannot Affect All Types of Gynecomastia

Male breasts are composed of both glandular and fatty tissue. In cases where gynecomastia results from excess fatty tissue due to weight fluctuation, diet and exercise can sometimes prove effective. However, if the enlarged male breasts result from excess glandular tissue, exercise and healthy eating habits will prove ineffective, and the situation will need to be remedied through cosmetic surgery.

How Is Male Breast Reduction Performed?

When performing male breast reduction surgery, Dr. Mussat will first perform liposuction, if necessary, to remove excess fatty tissue. Then, she will make a small incision around the outer edge of the areola, or the darker-pigmented skin around the nipple, where she’ll remove excess skin, as needed, before removing the glandular tissue. Once she has achieved the desired aesthetic, she’ll close the incision with sutures and dress the area with bandages.


Recovery from male breast reduction usually requires about three to five days off work. The results of male breast reduction are typically visible immediately, but the final outcome of the procedure won’t be visible for a few months or until the body is entirely healed.

Schedule Your Male Breast Reduction with Dr. Florence Mussat

If you feel you’ve wasted enough time and money at the gym only to see zero results from your hard work, it might be time to consider gynecomastia surgery. A male breast reduction is a relatively quick procedure that is safe and will deliver the results you want.


To schedule your private consultation with Dr. Florence Mussat and learn how a Chicago male breast reduction can help you achieve a leaner, more masculine-looking chest, contact her office by calling (312) 751-9000 or by completing our online form today.

How Long Does Fat Transfer Take to Settle?

Have you ever wished you could take fat from one area of your body where you don’t necessarily want it and use that fat to fill out other features? It sounds too good to be true, but your wish can become a reality with a Chicago fat transfer.


Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Florence Mussat offers autologous fat transfer, more commonly known as fat transfer or fat grafting, as a safe way to sculpt areas of your body and use that extracted fat to enhance other areas of your body or face. Read on to learn more about what to expect from a fat transfer with Dr. Mussat, including how long it will take for the newly transferred fat to settle so you can show off your beautiful new look.

How Is Fat Transfer Performed?

A fat transfer is generally performed under local anesthesia for the donor and injection sites. Once the donor site is thoroughly numb, Dr. Mussat will create small incisions and use liposuction to extract the unwanted fat from the area. The fat will then undergo a purification process where it’s cleansed and prepared for injection into the secondary location. Finally, using a method similar to Botox® or dermal filler injections, Dr. Muffat will inject the purified fat into the area you’d like to enhance.


Depending on the area being treated, an appointment can be completed in about an hour. Most procedures are outpatient, meaning you can go about your day with little discomfort or downtime. Most patients experience mild bruising and swelling in the donor and injection sites, which can be easily managed with over-the-counter pain medication. Dr. Mussat will schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure you’re healing well.

What Areas Can Be Treated with Fat Transfer?

Virtually anywhere on the body where you have stubborn, unwanted fat can be used as the donor site. Common areas to be injected include:

  • Cheek hollows
  • Frown lines
  • Deep wrinkles
  • Areas with certain types of scarring
  • Lips and areas around the mouth
  • Under the eyes

How Long Does the Donor Fat Take to Settle?

Patients undergoing a fat transfer should keep in mind that it takes some time for the transferred fat cells to establish a healthy blood supply and settle into their new location. Additionally, a fraction of the fat cells will not survive the transfer, though Dr. Mussat considers this when deciding how much fat to include in the transfer.


On average, patients can expect to see their final results in about four to six weeks, at which time the majority of swelling will have resolved, and the fat cells will have settled into their new location. During a fat transfer recovery, it’s important to avoid putting pressure on the newly transferred cells, as this can prevent them from creating a healthy blood supply.

How Long Do Fat Transfer Results Last?

The final fat transfer results are considered permanent since the injectable solution is a natural part of your body compared to a foreign substance, such as Botox® or dermal fillers. The same is true for the donor site. Once the fat cells are removed, the body cannot create new fat cells to replace them, meaning the donor site will permanently have fewer fat cells in that area.

Learn More About Chicago Fat Transfer with Dr. Mussat

If you’re interested in a fat transfer procedure, it’s important to choose an experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon. Contouring delicate areas of the body involves artistry, skill, and extensive knowledge to ensure you receive the desired results.


If you have questions about whether a fat transfer procedure is right for you, or if you’d like to schedule your consultation, please contact Dr. Florence Mussat at (312) 751-9000 or by completing our convenient contact form today.