Florence Mussat, M.D.
680 N Lake Shore Dr. #1030 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 751-9000


Category: and jowls disappear. What makes this procedure unique is its innovative

How a Fat Transfer Can Help You Look Younger | Dr. Florence Mussat

One day, while looking in the mirror, you’ll notice a line that wasn’t there last week. It happens to everyone sooner or later. Aging is an unavoidable part of life, and with it comes many small changes that may negatively impact the way you see and feel about yourself.

There are two common reasons patients come to see Dr. Florence Mussat in Chicago, IL, to address typical signs of aging. Firstly, those taking place on the face in the form of wrinkles, cheek depressions, sagging skin, and secondly, those stubborn pockets of fat in various parts of their bodies that don’t respond to a healthy diet and exercise regime.

What you may not realize is that it’s possible to smooth out those pesky signs of aging on your face while simultaneously trimming away unsightly pockets of “donor” body fat from your own body through a process known as autologous fat transfer.

Commonly referred to as fat transfer, fat grafting, or lipofilling, autologous fat transfer is a wonderfully safe and effective procedure that can be used to trim fat from areas of your body with which you’re not happy while enhancing other areas. The end result is a look that is not only permanent, but vibrant, youthful, and a great boost to your self-confidence.

From Where and How Is the Fat Transferred?

During an autologous fat transfer procedure, Dr. Mussat uses liposuction to remove fat from various areas of the body, such as the:

  • Inner thighs
  • Abdominal area
  • Back
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Upper arms

Excess fat cells are extracted through tiny incisions from these areas, spun in a centrifuge, cleaned, and purified before they’re processed and turned into an effective dermal filler.

The entire process of removing and then injecting the fat usually takes 1-4 hours, depending on the size of the areas being treated. Thanks to the small size of the incisions and the minimally invasive nature of the injections, downtime and recovery time are minimal.

If you’re interested in learning how to add shape and volume to areas where it can help you look more youthful while at the same time slim down trouble areas of your body, why not schedule a visit with Dr. Florence Mussat at her Chicago, IL plastic surgery office?

What Areas of My Face Can Benefit From Fat Transfer?

Fat grafting is an excellent way to address visible signs of aging in different areas of the face, including:

Cheeks and Temples

Sunken cheeks and temples are among the most common and most noticeable signs of aging in the face. Our cheeks often start to sag and droop as the skin loses elasticity due to the natural aging process and factors such as weight loss and family genetics. Fortunately, we can naturally add volume to sunken cheeks through facial fat grafting and make them appear more plump and youthful.

Under the Eyes

That hollowed-out, gaunt look under the eyes can cause a person to appear older than their actual age or even look sick and unhealthy. Facial fat grafting can be used to transfer fat into the area under the eyes, correct dark circles, add volume to thinning skin, and reduce other aging signs under the eyes.


As they age, many people develop “jowls,” where the skin becomes thinner and less elastic and starts to sag below the jawline. Facial fat grafting to the jawline can tighten and reduce the appearance of jowls.

Are There Any Additional Areas of My Face Fat Transfer Can Help?

In addition to those areas mentioned above, facial fat grafting can also improve the appearance of thinning lips, tear troughs, forehead lines, and lines around the mouth.

With expert fat grafting, you can quickly and safely achieve a rejuvenated facial appearance.

Apart from the face, fat can also be transferred through grafting to other areas of the body that, over time, sag or lose their shape, like breasts, buttocks, hands, and even calves.

Take That Next Step To Looking Younger!

For a complete assessment of how board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Florence Mussat can use fat transfer to help you look younger, schedule a personal consultation in Chicago, IL, or call (312) 751-9000 today!