Florence Mussat, M.D.
680 N Lake Shore Dr. #1030 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 751-9000


Why Are Mommy Makeovers So Popular?

As a mother, you’ll agree that motherhood is the most rewarding and challenging experience of your life. And yet, there’s nothing about it you would change! Except, perhaps, the part you didn’t see coming—the part about how your body will completely change with the arrival of your first child. 

Or that spending hours in the gym with that expensive personal trainer or running miles and miles would do never completely tighten stretched and sagging abs or get your breasts looking as good in a bikini as they did before breastfeeding reduced their volume.

A woman’s body changes in remarkable ways when she becomes pregnant and again after childbirth; unfortunately, these changes often have a drastic impact on her body that can affect her self-confidence and body image—some of which is physically debilitating. Loose, stretched out skin and muscles, pockets of fat on the hips and thighs, sagging breasts; the list seems endless. 

This is why so many women are turning to the “Mommy Makeover,” a series of procedures for body rejuvenation, after the birth of their last child. These procedures can either be combined into one single surgery for one recovery, or performed in separate stages.

What Exactly Is a Mommy Makeover?

But first of all, what exactly is a Mommy Makeover? Usually described as a combination of breast and body cosmetic surgery to which a woman treats herself after she’s finished having her children, a Mommy Makeover can take on a different form for every mother. 

Board-Certified Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Florence Mussat sees it as how you would describe your favorite pair of jeans where, with a set of plastic surgery procedures, she’ll help you “tighten up your abdomen, shape your waist, and redefine your breasts for the best body you’ve ever had, even before baby.”

  • Stretch Marks: A tummy tuck will remove excess skin and the stretch marks that come with it.
  • Breast Volume Loss: Breast augmentation and/or a breast lift to reshape, reposition, and fill the breasts.
  • Excess Abdominal Skin: A tummy tuck removes excess abdominal skin and fat, restoring a tighter, flatter abdomen.
  • Abdominal Muscle Separation: The abdominal muscles can separate during pregnancy, leaving a permanent pooch, and this can be corrected during a tummy tuck.
  • Areola Size: Some women experience an increase in areola size after pregnancy, and the position of areola/nipple can be adjusted.

What’s more, some of her Mommy Makeover patients also chose to have a labiaplasty to rejuvenate their ‘lower areas’ which might have become stretched due to childbirth, add in a little Botox to lessen those forehead lines and crows’ feet, or take care of those stretch marks through a tummy tuck! All of this can lead to a personalized makeover, increased self-confidence, and, may we say it, improved sex life!

Love Your Mommy Makeover Figure

You do not have to choose between loving your figure and loving motherhood. Thanks to your Mommy Makeover surgery, you can have both! To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Florence Mussat and learn more about mommy makeover surgery, contact her office by calling (312) 751-9000.