What Other Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures Can I Have With a Labiaplasty?

Though the appearance of women’s vaginas vary widely, you may prefer to reduce discomfort and enhance your confidence during intimate moments. If your vagina makes you feel overly self-conscious about your body, you have the option to correct it surgically with procedures such as labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, and vaginoplasty.
The terms you may hear used to describe this collection of procedures include genital cosmetic surgery, vaginal rejuvenation, and designer vagina surgery.
Before we discuss the subject, let’s break down what labiaplasty entails.
What Is a Labiaplasty, and How Does It Work?
Labiaplasty removes excess labial tissue and provides a symmetrical appearance throughout your most private part. You may seek this surgery if you are self-conscious about one of your vaginal lips being longer than the other. More frequently, Dr. Mussat’s patients request to reduce the size of both labia so they no longer cause physical or emotional discomfort. There are also hygienic reasons to consider labia surgery. Many women get this procedure as part of a mommy makeover, but it can also be an excellent stand-alone solution.
To perform labiaplasty, Dr. Mussat excises unwanted labial tissue. She employs two primary techniques to do so.
- Trim method: Dr. Mussat removes excess labial skin from the outer edge and closes the incision with sutures. A notable benefit of this method is that the labia may appear pinker after surgery, which is an ideal aesthetic outcome for some patients. However, there may be a greater chance of a decrease or loss of labial sensitivity with this technique.
- Wedge method: Dr. Mussat removes a V-shaped wedge from the labia, preserving the outer edges and natural shape. Nevertheless, there may be an increased chance of wound separation during recovery.
During your consultation, Dr. Mussat will help you decide which method suits your unique needs and cosmetic goals.
Combining a Clitoral Hoodectomy With a Labiaplasty
Some women add other genital cosmetic procedures, including a clitoral hood reduction, to their labiaplasty to create a more balanced appearance. Dr. Mussat can perform these procedures in the same operation, so you only need one surgery with less recovery time.
A clitoral hoodectomy is a surgical procedure to remove extra skin around the clitoris. Besides improving the look of your vagina and clitoris, taking away the “hood” can allow you to experience more sexual stimulation.
Dr. Mussat may recommend adding a clitoral hoodectomy to your labiaplasty if your labia minora are too long and you have unwanted skin around your clitoral area.
What Is Clitoral Hood Reduction?
Clitoral hood reduction surgery, also known as clitoropexy, is a procedure to reduce excess skin folds around the clitoris to improve vaginal aesthetics and enhance sexual satisfaction.
Women who opt for labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction are self-conscious about their vaginal appearance or experience discomfort because of an enlarged clitoral hood. Some women choose the procedures because they don’t like the protruding, uneven lips or excess clitoral hood. Others prefer the reduction because they experience pain during sexual intercourse or when doing activities like riding a bicycle or inserting a tampon.
Vaginal rejuvenation procedures are gaining popularity among women who find their vaginas have changed due to pregnancy, childbirth, and aging. While there is an understandable cosmetic benefit to this surgery, there are also several practical reasons women choose this procedure. Most women don’t expect an “ideal” vagina. Instead, their primary motivation is to feel more confident in intimate moments, at the beach, or when changing clothes and showering in the locker room of their gym.
How Does Vaginoplasty Enhance Labiaplasty Results?
Vaginoplasty is a reconstructive procedure to treat various medical issues, including vaginal injury due to childbirth and pelvic floor disease complications. It can improve sexual function and congenital deformities that affect vaginal development.
Labiaplasty for What You See
A labiaplasty specifically addresses the labia minora and majora, also called the vaginal lips. Women sometimes experience large, distended, or asymmetrical labia from birth, although the area can also commonly become distorted after childbirth, accidents, or aging. Stretched or dangling labia can be physically unattractive, uncomfortable under clothing, and may pinch or pull during sexual intercourse.
To perform a labiaplasty, Dr. Mussat will remove excess tissue from the labia minora or majora. She will sculpt the labia to an aesthetically pleasing shape, then place absorbable sutures for proper healing. The labiaplasty procedure takes less than an hour; patients return home the same afternoon. Patients may notice some soreness or discomfort after their procedure but can return to normal activities within a few days. Please postpone sexual activity for four to six weeks until the area has fully healed.
Vaginoplasty for What You Feel
Vaginoplasty tightens lax vaginal muscles and tissues. In addition, the procedure can correct lost tone and tension due to childbirth, trauma, disease, or normal aging.
The vaginoplasty procedure begins with the removal of the excess vaginal lining. Dr. Mussat will then tighten the remaining muscles and soft tissue. Next, sutures bundle the muscles together and narrow the vaginal opening. As an outpatient procedure, vaginoplasty will take about an hour to perform under anesthesia. Recovery will take about a week, but patients should wait four to six weeks before resuming sexual activity.
What Are the Benefits of Combining Multiple Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures?
Combining cosmetic and reconstructive vaginal procedures ensures multiple benefits. After a comprehensive vaginal rejuvenation, you can expect to enjoy the following advantages.
Increased Confidence
For women with oversized labia, the central issue is low self-esteem. Vaginal reconstructive surgery can minimize self-consciousness, boost confidence in your appearance, and increase clothing choices.
Comfort in Clothing
Wearing tight leggings, a bikini, or yoga pants can be challenging with oversized labia. If you’re concerned about visible lines or bulges, a vaginoplasty prevents those problems, helping you feel physically and emotionally comfortable, no matter the outfit you choose to wear.
Increased Sexual Pleasure
Similar to your outfits, your embarrassment can affect sexual pleasure. In addition, many women with protruding vaginal lips experience physical discomfort during intercourse. Correcting visible and exposed tissue will prevent these issues and improve sexual confidence, making intimacy more enjoyable and comfortable.
Less Discomfort
The inner labia are delicate and, when exposed, quickly become irritated from tight clothing or sexual activity. In addition, exercising and other daily activities can be unpleasant as exposed tissue may pinch, twist, or chafe. Vaginoplasty will remove the excess tissue help you enjoy everyday activities.
Improved Hygiene and Health
Excess tissue can harbor bacteria and make hygiene more challenging. If oversized inner labia interrupt urine flow, you may experience painful and dangerous urinary tract infections. Having a labiaplasty reduces the risk of UTIs and other health concerns.
Is it Safe to Have Multiple Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures at Once?
Women often combine multiple vaginal rejuvenation procedures into one surgery, which has the benefit of requiring one recovery period and downtime and reducing the overall price compared to having each procedure separately.
Vaginal rejuvenation can be an umbrella term involving multiple procedures that enhance your intimate appearance, function, and comfort. Dr. Mussat can simultaneously take care of several issues you may have.
Women consider feminine rejuvenation for several reasons. Some wish to appear younger and refreshed, while others seek vaginal rejuvenation for repair, improved comfort, enhanced sexual pleasure, and renewed confidence. Regardless of your concerns, they are valid.
Not all vaginal rejuvenation treatments and providers are the same. An experienced, trained surgeon like Dr. Mussat is the best choice for such a delicate surgery.
Face Your Femininity Head On
Women should never feel embarrassed or physically uncomfortable due to unusually shaped or enlarged labia. With vaginal rejuvenation, female plastic surgeon Dr. Mussat can shape your labia and provide a symmetrical look to reduce your pain and allow you to embrace your femininity and enjoy your sex life.
To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Mussat in Chicago and learn more about the aesthetic and physical benefits of labiaplasty, labiaplasty cost, and more, contact us by calling (312) 751-9000 today.