Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, or Both?

When your abdominal area becomes a problem due to excess skin and a sagging bulge, and diet and exercise offer you little to no help, you may feel the urge to seek cosmetic solutions. Though you might have shed pounds by dieting and putting in effort at the gym, your abdomen could still refuse to cooperate after pregnancy or significant weight loss.
Fortunately, there is help in Chicago for your aesthetic concerns. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Florence Mussat offers two popular procedures for patients who want to look fit and feel attractive in their personal or professional lives. Liposuction and abdominoplasty are excellent cosmetic enhancements that have proven to deliver outstanding aesthetic benefits.
Liposuction for Tummy Sculpting
When excess fat is the primary reason for your belly bulge, liposuction is an excellent option. It involves tiny incisions that allow Dr. Mussat to insert a specialized device known as a cannula. After introducing the thin, hollow cannula into the incisions, she suctions the unwanted fat cells. Dr. Mussat may use a tumescent solution comprised of saline and a local anesthetic or choose ultrasound-assisted liposuction for fat removal.
Once Dr. Mussat has removed the stubborn fat, she will apply soft bandages and an overlying compression garment to support incisions as you heal. Because the incisions are so small, they typically require no sutures. Though you will notice an immediate improvement, it will take a few months to realize full benefits.
Tummy Tuck Surgery
Reducing excess skin in the abdomen requires a more intricate procedure. Abdominoplasty removes excess skin and reinforces the abdominal wall. This plastic surgery requires lifting the skin to expose damaged abdominal muscles stretched by pregnancy or weight fluctuations.
A tummy tuck uses internal and external sutures, and recovery is longer and more involved than liposuction. Dr. Mussat employs multiple techniques for tummy tuck surgery, including a mini tummy tuck and a traditional tummy tuck. The primary difference is that the mini tuck only addresses the lower abdomen below the belly button.
Combining the Two
There are advantages to combining aesthetic procedures to address multiple cosmetic concerns. Such is the case with adding liposuction to tummy tuck surgery. Here, you can resolve all the problems associated with a post-pregnancy stomach – excess skin, fat, and a damaged abdominal wall.
Dr. Mussat typically employs liposuction with mini and traditional tummy tucks. It makes sense to remove lingering fat, even if you’ve lost most of your belly pouch.
Pairing procedures will reduce risk and save you time and money. Less time in the surgery room means a more affordable cost. And by combining your surgeries, you will only have one recovery time, which will be no longer than a tummy tuck recovery when performed as a stand-alone procedure.
What’s Best for You?
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Mussat and learn more about liposuction, abdominoplasty, or a combination procedure, contact us or call (312) 751-9000.