Florence Mussat, M.D.
680 N Lake Shore Dr. #1030 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 751-9000


How Many Areas Can One Liposuction Procedure Treat?

Having embarrassing pockets of stubborn fat on your thighs, hips, abdomen, buttocks, back, flanks, or under your chin can affect your self-esteem and make you feel unattractive. Genetics, lifestyle choices, or multiple pregnancies could contribute to these troublesome areas that refuse to respond to your healthy diet and exercise routine.

Liposuction can be an effective procedure at reducing your problem areas, and you may be wondering whether you could have multiple areas of the body treated simultaneously. What you learn in your consultation with Dr. Florence Mussat in Chicago, IL, might surprise you, so keep reading!

How Much Fat Can Surgery Remove?

How many areas can one liposuction procedure treat? The answer depends on how much fat Dr. Mussat can safely remove during a single session. To minimize risk, it’s a best practice to avoid removing more than five liters of fat at once. If your goal is to get rid of more than this, Dr. Mussat will need to create a treatment plan spanning multiple stages and sessions.

People who have more than five liters of body fat removed are high-volume liposuction patients. Since the chances of surgical complications increase with the amount of fat taken out, undergoing high-volume liposuction requires you to spend at least one night in the hospital.

It’s best to think of liposuction as a procedure that refines and contours your existing shape. If your goal is to lose a dramatic amount of weight, you are likely a better candidate for a different surgical approach, such as bariatric surgery.

Before considering liposuction, we recommend you have already achieved your ideal body weight, with a body mass index of less than 30.

Liposuction is a highly personalized treatment, and the number of areas you can have treated in a single visit will depend on several factors, including the following:

  • Your physique and anatomy
  • Location of each targeted area of fat
  • Volume of fat you hope to remove
  • Your unique body contouring objectives

When considering liposuction in Chicago, IL, remember that Dr. Florence Mussat is an expert in body contouring and can create a safe and effective treatment plan to match your specific goals.

Fat in One Region of the Body

If you hope to have fat removed from parts of the body in the same general region – such as the hips, thighs, and buttocks – it may be possible to treat these areas during a single outpatient visit.

Fat in Multiple Regions of the Body

Often, stubborn fat deposits don’t accumulate in one localized area. As a result, you may want to know how many areas a single liposuction session can address.

There isn’t a specific limit to the number of areas that can be treated during a single liposuction visit. Instead, the amount of fat Dr. Mussat can remove will depend on your unique anatomy and the volume and number of areas you wish to address. For example, a petite person might have all their target regions taken care of during only one liposuction session. However, someone with a larger build might require multiple treatments to remove the appropriate amount of fat safely.

If the volume of fat you wish to remove is more than the amount deemed appropriate for your body, or if the procedure might take longer than Dr. Mussat considers safe, staged procedures are typically the best solution.

As the number of treatment sites increases, so will side effects like pain and swelling. The recovery time associated with having multiple areas treated at once is also longer. After completing the liposuction procedure, Dr. Mussat will apply a compression garment, limiting swelling in the targeted areas.

Having liposuction performed across multiple areas is a highly individualized treatment. Dr. Mussat will determine the number of sessions necessary treat all your trouble spots according to your unique circumstances.

How Long Does It Take to Recover?

Fortunately, since liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure, recovery should take about two to three  weeks. You’ll need to diligently wear your compression garment to help with your healing process, and it’s best if you restrict your activities for a few days after the surgery. Any redness, swelling, or bruising in the treated areas should soon resolve on their own. Make sure you get plenty of sleep, follow a healthy diet, and stay hydrated during your recovery.

Learn More About Liposuction in Chicago, IL

The decision to have stubborn fat removed from multiple areas of your body with liposuction is highly personal, and having any part of yourself surgically altered isn’t a decision you should make lightly. For the best advice, please contact board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Florence Mussat in Chicago, IL. Schedule a personal consultation with her online or call (312) 751-9000 today!