How a Brow Lift Can Really Make the Face | Dr. Florence Mussat

Your eyes, forehead, and eyebrows play a significant role in expressing your emotions to those around you. A heavy forehead or eyebrows is likely to make you appear more tired, unhappy, or older than you actually are. Well-meaning friends may even comment that you look tired, sad, or ask if you’re feeling down when you’re really feeling just fine.
Due to family genetics, environmental factors such as too much sun, or simply the passage of time, the forehead and eye area are likely to develop wrinkles and sagging skin resulting in an aging, tired, or sad appearance. You might find yourself becoming curious about facial rejuvenation and wonder whether you would benefit from a surgical procedure known as a brow lift.
What Is a Brow Lift?
Through brow lift surgery, Dr. Florence Mussat has helped many men and women achieve a more youthful and natural-looking brow area that helps present the face they wish to share with the world. A brow lift is a cosmetic procedure that improves the upper face’s appearance by effectively lifting the eyebrows and smoothing out wrinkles.
How Can I Benefit from a Brow Lift?
As a result of a brow lift, your forehead will be smoother, and your eyebrows will be more lifted and natural-looking. Brow lift surgery often eliminates upper face wrinkles and can correct the upper eyelid hooding caused by sagging brows. It can also significantly reduce creases, frown lines, and a sagging brow line.
A brow lift offers many benefits, including:
- Minimizes creases, frown lines, and sagging brow lines across the forehead.
- Improves frown lines and reduces vertical creases between the eyebrows.
- Repositions low or sagging brows over the upper eyelids.
- Raises the eyebrows to a more youthful position.
- Creates a brighter, more alert appearance
- Increases self-confidence
Can a Brow Lift Be Combined With Other Facial Cosmetic Procedures?
A brow lift can be performed in conjunction with other procedures such as a facelift, eyelid surgery, or even injectables to produce even more stunning results. Dr. Florence Mussat will help you decide on the best combination for you during your scheduled consultation.
What Can I Expect During Recovery?
During your recovery from a brow lift, expect some swelling and discomfort in the upper part of the face and around the eyebrows.
Dr. Mussat will provide instructions for your recovery as well as cold compresses to apply to your forehead. She will also suggest that you sleep with your head slightly elevated for the first few nights after surgery and to expect your recovery to take about 2-3 weeks.
To make your recovery even more comfortable, avoid strenuous workouts or movements that might place unnecessary pressure on your face.
Your Next Step Towards a Youthful Profile Starts Here!
For a complete assessment of how a brow lift can help you look younger and more vibrant, schedule a personal consultation with board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Florence Mussat in Chicago, IL, or call (312) 751-9000 today!