Florence Mussat, M.D.
680 N Lake Shore Dr. #1030 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 751-9000


7 Tips for Caring for Your Skin After a Facelift Procedure

A facelift procedure is a remarkable way to defy several signs of aging through a single approach. But the process also calls for postoperative care to deliver a youthful appearance without any complications.


These facelift recovery tips ensure your procedure not only returns the required results, but also lets you maintain them for a long time to come. In turn, you can maximize your facelift surgery in Chicago, Illinois.


To help you get started, here are seven tips for caring for your skin after a facelift procedure.

Get Ample Rest


Your skin and body need ample time and energy to heal from a facelift surgery, which you can attain by getting at least seven to nine hours of high-quality sleep per night and refraining from strenuous activities. Even after the initial healing process concludes, adequate rest ensures your skin can retain its rejuvenated appearance. Make it a point to get plenty of sleep and find time to relax every day for beautifully supple skin.

Keep It Moisturized


After a facelift, you’ll typically have your bandages removed 24 hours later. Then, the cleansing and moisturizing process comes into the picture. Following these facelift recovery tips gives your skin the cleanliness and hydration it needs to heal properly. It also reduces scarring and unsightly folds on your skin. In the long term, moisturizing regularly can help you maintain your healthy glow.

Stay Hydrated at All Times


Sufficient hydration is vital to help your skin breathe and feel alive throughout a regular day. It is equally crucial for postoperative care after a facelift surgery. By drinking plenty of water throughout the day, you can cater to this requirement without any issues. You can also follow this tip long after your surgery to help your skin remain clear, supple, and fresh.


Follow the Recommended Diet


Right after you get a facelift, you’ll follow a balanced diet, as suggested by Dr. Mussat. This diet is high in protein and nutrients, which gives you the energy and support your skin needs to heal correctly. Afterward, you should continue eating healthy, whole foods that are rich in antioxidants and other anti-aging nutrients to maintain your youthful appearance.


Keep Track of Physical Activity


As we mentioned in step 1, one of the fundamental facelift recovery tips is all about resting and giving yourself ample time to heal. But it goes beyond getting sufficient sleep every day. Instead, you’ll need to avoid strenuous physical activities for at least two weeks after your surgery. When you resume regular activities and light exercise, keep an eye on side effects such as pain or swelling to ensure your skin keeps looking younger and smoother for a long time.


Use Elevated Pillows


After a facelift procedure, you also need to be mindful of how you sleep. Keep your head elevated with at least two pillows to ensure your skin is not subject to undue pressure or stretching overnight. Dr. Mussat may advise following this practice for at least a few days after your surgery, but consult with her see what’s right for your needs.


Keep in Touch With Your Plastic Surgeon


While you are following these facelift recovery tips, it is imperative to stay in touch with Dr. Mussat. From attending postoperative appointments to reporting side effects, maintaining contact provides you with ample benefits that let you look after your skin ideally.


To learn more about postoperative care for a facelift, schedule a private consultation with Dr. Mussat. Contact our office by calling (312) 751-9000 today, and we will be glad to help you take care of your skin for a long-lasting healthy appearance.