5 Least Common Areas You Didn’t Know You Could Get Liposuction
Regular exercise and a healthy diet play a role in giving you a sculpted figure. There are cases, though, that these two might not be enough. There will always be stubborn fat lying around in certain areas of your body that just won’t go away.
If you’re frustrated with the slow to zero progress of your efforts, consider getting a liposuction. This minimally invasive procedure will not only trim away excess fat around your abdomen, hips, buttocks and thighs, you can also use the procedure to vacuum away the fat in other areas of your body.
That’s right! The areas that liposuction targets are not limited to these four areas alone. It can also suction fat in areas that you didn’t know could benefit from a light or small procedure.
The following are the top areas that liposuction can target to give your body a more sculpted contour.
- Torso
The belly usually gets the most attention with liposuction, but other areas of the torso can also benefit from this procedure. For example, a small procedure can target the back part of the torso where the love handles usually poke out. Your surgeon can also target the excess fat deposit that bulges out along the bra band. By targeting the area with precision, you can wear a swimsuit or a low-cut backless dress with confidence.
- Legs
The thighs are not the only ones that can benefit from the procedure. If you have bulges and folds due to excess fat around your knees and ankles, you can definitely include them in your list of target areas. The procedure can add definition to your legs and make them look more toned. Plus, it can help banish the fat that gives you the infamous ‘chunky ankles’ or ‘cankles.’
- Neck
As you gain weight, some of the fat settles in the upper neck area. This leads to the formation of the double chin, which may make you feel self-conscious. If you have a double chin and it’s ruining every selfie shot you take, a light procedure can banish it. In addition to that, liposuction can also give your jawline definition.
- Chest
Weight gain or hormonal imbalance in men causes gynecomastia, a condition that results in the abnormal growth of breast tissue in men. Most men who have this condition can greatly benefit from a light liposuction procedure to remove excess breast tissue.
- Arms
If you want to have toned, well-defined arms, you can use liposuction to achieve your aesthetic goal. You can also use the procedure to target the fatty bulges in the underarms while you’re at it.
By targeting these areas, in addition to your abdomen, hips and buttocks, you can have a sculpted body sooner than expected. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Mussat, please call her Chicago practice today.