3 Tips for a Speedy Tummy Tuck Recovery
Abdominoplasty, better known as a tummy tuck, is a popular cosmetic correction for women and men who struggle with loose skin and tissue in the abdominal area. The surgery is effective in reinforcing the abdominal wall and removing excess, sagging skin.
While recovery is more extensive than most cosmetic procedures, you can implement some practices patients to make your healing period shorter and more effective.
Most tummy tuck patients take approximately six weeks to feel completely healed. To ensure you recover in that timeframe, or perhaps faster, here are three tips to help you speed up the process.
1. Eat Right
Eating a healthy diet with lean proteins, fresh fruits, and vegetables and drinking plenty of water is essential to a speedy recovery. Fueling your body correctly will help hasten the healing process with less risk of complications.
We suggest you grocery shop in advance of your operation to ensure you have everything you need when you return home. Also, you may want to do food prep to have nutritious meals readily available after surgery.
2. Wear Your Compression Garment as Prescribed
After your tummy tuck, Dr. Mussat will fit you with a surgical garment designed to support your sutures and prevent excess swelling and inflammation. Make sure you wear it as instructed to speed up your recovery time.
3. Avoid Lifting Heavy Objects
During your recovery period, you should avoid lifting anything heavier than a gallon of milk for six to eight weeks. Also, don’t expect to feel well enough to stand up straight during recovery. To avoid straining your sutures, you may feel more comfortable staying hunched over for several days after surgery.
Other Suggestions to Consider
Here are some other tips to consider ensuring your tummy tuck recovery goes well and you heal correctly in the shortest amount of time.
- Take all prescription and over-the-counter medications as instructed.
- Have family and friends help you around the house.
- Don’t do any strenuous workouts for six weeks, or until Dr. Mussat clears you to do so.
- Walk around your house, yard, or street periodically to help circulation.
- Don’t smoke and limit alcohol intake.
- Get plenty of rest and sleep.
Why Choose Dr. Mussat to Perform Your Tummy Tuck?
Board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Florence Mussat has extensive training and experience in her craft. She has been in private practice in downtown Chicago for over 20 years.
She graduated with honors from the prestigious and world-renowned University R. Descartes School of Medicine in Paris. She completed her residency at the State University of New York Health Science Center. Currently, she serves as assistant clinical professor of surgery at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
If you would like more information about tummy tuck surgery, we are here for you. Contact Florence Mussat Cosmetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery in Chicago, Illinois, by calling (312) 751-9000 or scheduling a consultation online.