Dr. Mussat’s Philosophy: Beauty in Harmony
What is beauty?
Ask anyone this question and you’ll hear varied answers. Some people would define beauty as purely physical. That it possess all the qualities that mainstream media define as beautiful, such as clear skin, long hair, slim body frame, or a tall height. Other individuals define it as something subjective or abstract. That it’s something that you feel inside yourself. That even if you don’t possess the beauty standards society have set, you’re beautiful if you’re kind and gentle.
For Dr. Florence Mussat, though, her philosophy about beauty is different. Not in a way that sets her apart from all other individuals, but that her philosophy has allowed her to provide beautiful results to all her patients consistently.
La Beaute en Harmonie
Dr. Mussat believes in beauty in harmony. In other words, an attractive person is someone who possesses not only physical attractiveness but also inner charm, refinement, elegance and grace. For her, there should be a balance between inner and outer beauty. They should go hand in hand.
Dr. Mussat, a recipient of the 2015 Top 10 Chicago Plastic Surgeon Award, views each person uniquely. This allowed her to tailor each plastic surgery procedure to each patient’s needs. As each person is unique, the course of treatment should also be one of a kind.
Her Secret to Success
Experience, artistry, and her deeply rooted philosophy about beauty have made this board-certified plastic surgeon successful in each of her surgical and non-surgical endeavors.
One of her secrets is personalized patient care, from the initial consultation up to the last day of follow-up visit. To achieve beautiful, natural-looking aesthetic results, Dr. Mussat meets with each patient, ask questions, and answer individuals concerns to ensure that both parties understand each other. There should be harmony on both sides. Dr. Mussat doesn’t proceed with the process until she fully comprehends the patient’s aesthetic goals. The patient should also have a full knowledge of the procedure he or she will undergo before making a commitment.
Mutual understanding is beneficial and critical to the success of each procedure.
Our cultural differences make it difficult to come up with a single definite answer as to what beauty is. Many individuals agree, though, that beauty is not all about flawless skin, perfect makeup, a sexy body, and/or shiny hair. One can feel beautiful when goodness also radiates inside.
To see how Dr. Mussat puts her beauty philosophy into action, consult with her about your aesthetic goals. Request a consultation today.